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For students who are expected to graduate by March 2026

New registration for the New Graduate Recruitment My Page

This entrance is for those who are expected to graduate (or have graduated) from a four-year university or are expected to complete (or have completed) a master's/doctor's program by March 2026.

Log in to the New Graduate Recruitment My Page

If you have already registered for the New Graduate Recruitment My Page,please log in here.
If you have already registered for Career Education My Page, please log in to Career Education My Page and move from Career Education My Page to New Graduate Recruitment My Page.

For students who are expected to graduate after April 2026

New registration for the Career Education My Page

This entrance is for those who are expected to graduate from a four-year university or complete a master's/doctor's program after April 2026.

Log in to the Career Education
My Page

To apply for internships and other events, please visit your Career Education My Page.

Roles and Position of NTT R&DAbout NTT Labo

NTT R&D and the NTT Group

NTT R&D is a part of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), the holding company that considers management strategies for all NTT Group companies.
NTT R&D carries out fundamental research and development for the entire NTT Group. NTT R&D's purview is therefore the entire NTT Group, and we are engaged in everything from future-oriented research to launches of commercial services in collaboration with NTT business companies.
NTT R&D's size and technical capabilities also makes it one of the world's leading research institutes.

Roles of NTT R&D

As a research institution, NTT R&D may give the image of being dedicated to basic research with a gaze toward the future. However, NTT R&D has another important role—turning the results of its research into concrete materials for commercial services. NTT R&D conducts a wide range of R&D activities, from basic research to practical applications such as service development and service launches.