Thank you for your interest in NTT R&D. Please select from the menu below and proceed.

For students who are expected to graduate by March 2026

New registration for the New Graduate Recruitment My Page

This entrance is for those who are expected to graduate (or have graduated) from a four-year university or are expected to complete (or have completed) a master's/doctor's program by March 2026.

Log in to the New Graduate Recruitment My Page

If you have already registered for the New Graduate Recruitment My Page,please log in here.
If you have already registered for Career Education My Page, please log in to Career Education My Page and move from Career Education My Page to New Graduate Recruitment My Page.

For students who are expected to graduate after April 2026

New registration for the Career Education My Page

This entrance is for those who are expected to graduate from a four-year university or complete a master's/doctor's program after April 2026.

Log in to the Career Education
My Page

To apply for internships and other events, please visit your Career Education My Page.

How to Apply(Selection Process)How to Apply

Types of Application

There are two types of application: open application and school recommendation. When submitting your application, please check to see if the professor in charge of post-graduate employment at your school or research lab has submitted a letter of recommendation to NTT. Note that if your school or lab has submitted a letter of recommendation, you cannot apply using the open application form. Finally, all doctoral candidates who want to be considered for employment at NTT must submit an open application form.

How to Apply

The first step for all applicants is to pre-register on MY PAGE by pressing the Pre Entry button. Once you have pre-registered, a Login ID and Password will be sent to the registered e-mail address.
Once you have registered through PRE ENTRY / MY PAGE, all subsequent communication and instructions will be sent to you through your MY PAGE account. Note that instructions regarding your FORMAL ENTRY will also be sent via your MY PAGE account, so check back often.

※Please double-check to make sure you entered your e-mail address correctly.

Process after Pre Entry

  1. Pre Entry
    (MY PAGE
  2. Formal entry
    (entry sheet,
    aptitude test)
  3. Presentation
  4. Interview